Thursday, December 18, 2008
DO NOT DO IT. There are all sorts of scam sites, fines and fees that these companies are hiding in their fine print. I ordered the Slim Tea and minutes later, Alex told me to cancel. A week later, I not only had a $69.95 charge, but a $19.95 charge for something called Fit Factory, something I did not sign up for. It also took weeks to get this stuff removed as their phone number don't always work!!
This has happened to myself and three of my friends who live all over the U.S.!!!
If it's too good to be true, it probably is! AVOID THIS!!!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Eternal Memories
Thru pictures, I thought my mother had been a movie star – my father, too! I was often confused seeing them in the hideous polyester 70’s smocks in my own reality, but then looking at pictures of them when they were younger in their beautiful clothing, beautiful looks and best poses, I was sure they’d given up their careers to be our parents. My mom looked like a beautiful actress from that time period – a starlet with dark hair, dark, twinkly eyes, flawless skin and a beautiful smile. When she wasn’t smiling, she looked like Ingrid Bergman, a look we all came to know.
My mother’s life was tough as was our life with her. She was mentally ill and it took its evil toll on every facet of her life and our lives. You wanted to hate her sometimes, but you could see the terrible struggle of a woman who truly loved her family, but who also was tugged and pulled by the power of illness.
But that wasn’t all her. She was also extremely gifted: she could draw, paint, and played the piano like nobody’s business. A self-taught piano player who later was in lessons with a superstar piano teacher in Chicago, my mother saved every penny in the early 1950’s to save for her own piano – the piano that is still at my dad’s house and someday I will somehow get here to L.A.
She was also a hero. My brother once fell through a plate glass door nearly severing his finger and maiming his arm. My mother carried him almost two miles to a hospital. This is one of the many times where she played doctor, nurse, cook, maid, problem-solver, etc.
My mother loved her own children, but even more so, her grandkids. She never held back on her time with them and taught them to cook, how to clean up after themselves, and loved taking them on adventures. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for those kids.
But her Catch 22 was when one illness seemed to lie dormant, a bigger monster was waiting for her. I knew when I moved to L.A. that her forgetfulness was becoming more obvious, that her gait seemed to be thrown off and that her eyes were starting to look dimmer. Every visit home seemed to give more clarity to that fact and when I called her doctor that fateful day, I knew what his answer would be. My mother’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s threw us all into such a frenzy as we’d just moved on from one big illness.
After things had gotten so bad and she was placed into her wonderful, loving nursing home, we knew time was becoming more precious and anything that we’d known before, mostly the bad stuff, made way for a new peace and understanding of our mother who was slowly fading away.
I saw her for my last time on Thanksgiving of 2006. Alex had come home with me for the first time to meet my family and we’d spent every day at the nursing home. I am so grateful they met each other.
Our final moments were quick and sweet, with a hug that felt so deep and soulful, but left me with deepest, heaving weight in my heart for the weeks leading to her death. I knew deep down it was all imminent.
She passed the day before the new year.
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of her: sometimes it’s happy, sometimes it’s sad. Sometimes it’s guilty and other times it’s just breezy, like she is here with me.
I feel like the best gift you can give a parent is a to live a good, solid, interesting life, full of love and light. Every day I hope I am doing a good job.
Losing a parent is going to happen to everyone – appreciate them and all of their idiosyncrasies while they are here.
'I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you'll miss them when they're gone from your life” – Maya Angelou
Miss you...
Marilyn Zalokar December 11, 1931 - December 30, 2006
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Today we ran to Costco and then I did trader Joes run. Nothing eventful at all. We were hanging around the house. E called me and I was talking to her when the phone died out. Just as I was waiting for her to call me back, I saw my vitamins and figured I would pop one while waiting.
I have been taking vitamins for years. It seems the more organic they are, the horsier they become. But like most things, you grow used to the size of the pill and know what to expect. I have grown so accustomed to these particular, horse sized pills that I typically don’t drink anything until afterwards – I just pop one.
As soon as the pill hit my throat, I knew it was bad. It fell right onto my windpipe and I immediately felt the air stop, the blood rush to my face and panic setting in. I was in our kitchen and Alex was in the living room. I drank a little water but that only seemed to exasperate the situation. Those seconds felt like an eternity and since I could not speak, moan or scream and was too panicked to move, I started hitting the counter with my hands as hard as I could.
Alex wasted no time as I know he saw my panic as I was banging like a crazy person on the counter. Without a moment to lose, he hit me on the back and then grabbed me and performed the Heimlich maneuver. I felt the pill come up and threw it up in to the sink. And then I breathed in like I had never done before. Then I cried.
I have no idea what I would have done had he been down the hall in the shower or worse, not been there at all.
It’s been a few hours and every time I think about it, I get choked up – the “what if’s.” One of my worst fears WAS the worst. Much worse, it got me thinking about folks who take these monster pills and have no one there to help them in cases like this one.
Today it was scary. I am SO shaky and freaked out but my amazing boyfriend was my hero. Today I am so thankful.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Imagining things just a little differently...
She and I got to talking as we always do, about how if you had your choice of day jobs (not the fantasy ones like being a full-time, highly paid screenwriter, an ice cream taster for Ben and Jerry's, having your own cooking show or hell, a starlet with nothing to do but be pretty, get prettier and find ways to maintain pretty -- I could go on for hours and haven't even gotten to my science nerd / astronomy / paleontology fantasies), but real day jobs that you can REALLY do.
I noted that besides my purely condensed hate for my commute and the fact I still do like my present day job, I would still travel the distance for my fantasy jobs -- mine being doing massage 2-3 days a week for a reputable chiropractor – and the other two days? Being a dog walker. For real. Oh, I would throw in there an occasional class or maybe an extra job if need be, or I could even thin out my fat butt to teach fitness classes again (a big love of mine) but I think those would combine two things I love and give me more time to do other things I neglect. The last thing I want to do these days after sitting in front of a computer is to come home and sit in front of the computer to write. And it wouldn't be forever...but it'd be a fun, temporary change!
But this would all have to fit together in a way that made sense and since I do have debt, it would have to work monetarily.
But a girl can dream.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Iraqi’s have $80 billion dollars and we have swill….
I have so much hope. I hope others feel this resonating in them, too.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
No Excuses...
So at best, expect something new by September!
A few things:
I just read the man that wrote, "100 things to do before you die," did indeed die -- at the age of 47. Such irony.
My little car was dead ALL summer long. Just got new life breathed into her old body -- new radiator. Not cheap, but for what it's worth, she's practically NASCAR in her Toyota clothes.
I think I am in that place where I am about redefine my life and (ulp) -- organize. I am feeling a little unsituated and it's time to get rid of stuff and be a little more minimal. Or at least just get rid of some stuff.
We found an answer to Kitty and her Exorcist-like bouts of hissing and biting to staff members when getting her nails clipped. A sweet 19 year old girl at Petco put a cone on her head. Sweet Jeebus! Most.hilarious.thing.evar. While she was pissed off as hell, it worked and voila -- seconds later nails her clipped and there were no prayers needed and no evil looks thrown my way!
I finally saw "The Matrix" last night. I KNOW! It was a ridiculous movie to not see and while I had seen pieces of it, I'd never watched it all the way thru. The Arclight is doing a Sci-fi series so we were able to watch it on the big screen. I am happy to have been able to put all of the pieces together and wow -- what a spectacle. Now I understand the hoopla...from 10 years ago.
Sigh. Much more to come but for now, watch this:
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Some new things and Bada Bing
1. Peroxide: A zillion uses but the best one? Your toothbrush. For real. Not only can you clean your toothbrush but swish a little peroxide (watered down a bit, please) in your mouth before brushing and seriously, your teeth will feel a million times cleaner (not to mention, it kills many bacteria if you feel like you are catching a cold or the like AND does make your teeth whiter…)!!
2. Cetaphil antibacterial bar: This stuff is amazing. I don’t like regular Cetaphil lotion-y stuff as I feel like there is also leftover residue on my skin (and it also has an ingredient that is not to my liking), but not this bar – it is like magic. Seriously. Try it on a washcloth…it will change your life.
3. Vitamin E oil, Trader Joes: Not only does this oil moisturize to a WHOLE new level, but if you’re like me and get those weird bumps on your legs (some people get them on their arms), this stuff will help it. Totally affordable at $3.99, especially since you only need a tad.
4. Moroccan Oil – For your hair. Thanks to fabulous Hair Guy Hal, I have stumbled upon a product that makes my hair talk. What does my hair say? “Oh thank you kind lass. Because of this bitchin’ product, I feel shiny, smooth, moist (ha ha – mooooist) and strong!” While it is a strong $40 price, this stuff will last you a YEAR. Just like they used to say about Woolite, “A penny (or in this case, 50 cents) a capful for the look and feel you loooove.” A little dab goes a LONG way and really gives your hair…sheen. I love that. Did I mention the scent? THINK BEACH.
As for the “Bada Bing…” I am IN LOVE with “The Sopranos.” Mr. A was able to get me the first few seasons and I am completely addicted. I am really glad I missed the boat and was not addicted when it was on because there is NO WAY I could have waited between episodes and / or seasons to see what would happen next. So now we have gotten into this routine of watching just one and getting so sucked in that I am up until 1 AM getting thru two or three. So amazing. Tough to watch at times I will admit but mostly just unbelievable.
And what is with these mafia movies / shows eating and drinking and making you crave big honking vats of pasta, “gravy” (as Pauly Walnuts says) and tons of wine?? OMG. I think I ate a whole garlic clove last night whilst starting Season 3.
As for my favorite new thing to do besides the (snooore) gym, it’s Balboa Park. I forgot how gorgeous the grounds are, how peaceful the walks can be and how nice it is to be outside and one with nature. And it’s a helluva walk. And now that the hellacious heat has calmed its wonky ass, it’s back onto the path and into the green. If you’ve never been, there are also walking grounds within the park that include a beautiful lake, little pedal boats and people picnicking all around who actually CLEAN UP after themselves. Nice.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
I didn't think I would care so much:
Our street is very cute: lined with trees, cookie-cutter houses, occasional kids but mostly, a lot of birds, squirrels and other natural habitat.
I was assembling my drive music when I noticed a slew of squirrels playing tag and running into the middle of the street. As always, I waited until they all ran by and started to drive when my car started doing a "thump thump thump."
My first thought was a bad tire but of course, I then realized that one of the squirrels hadn't hustled enough and met my tires. I had turned the corner and looked over to see his little squirrel legs in the air, flailing and pining. I drove away and started crying immediately. Why wasn't I more careful? OMG, I killed something.
I called Mr. A and started to really sob into the phone. I told him to please call animal control and could barely speak. He said he would but would first walk over to check this guy out first.
Mr. A called a few minutes later and said, "Where did this happen??" I explained again (it was only a few houses down) and he assured me there was no squirrel.
I responded in tears, "Can you look for brain matter?" "Did a neighbor take him in??" The thought then crossed my mind that Mr. A put ME out of my misery and did something to the squirrel to make it quick. He assured me there was no squirrel, he had not played God and that there wasn't any body matter anywhere on the street.
With that said, I began to breathe again but am in fear this little guy is going to come back and get me. Poor little rat.
"A squirrel is just a rat in a cuter outfit"
Carrie Bradshaw
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
2. I have been sleeping. This might not seem like a big phenomenon to anyone, especially since I just wrote of a newborn and his mama, but trust me when I tell you, it’s a miracle upon miracles when I am not just taking naps, but I am going to sleep, staying asleep and even sleeping in!
3. We went to the most fabulous dinner this past Saturday at a French restaurant called, Brandywine. This was just NOT your typical restaurant: it was old school, small and quaint and could have been romantic had the other patrons been a little quieter, but in my wildest, decadent dreams, I could never have fantasized a more delicious dinner, with better company, with the most utterly fabulous staff. The waiters, maître d' and everyone else on staff were in very dapper suits and said things to one another like, “Sir, Table 6 seems to need another napkin. Would you be so kind to get them one?” “Oh yes, sir. I will get Table 6 that napkin. It would be a pleasurrre to help.” Um, yes. For real. But they were never snobby and in fact so friendly that you felt homey and comforted. The scallops I ordered were perfectly done in a perfect sauce with spinach and mushrooms. And I ate the mushrooms which I would avoid at ALL costs NO MATTER WHAT but there was something a little special about them so I went for it. Worth eating fungus for this five star dinner.
22757 Ventura Blvd
Woodland Hills, CA 91364-1334
Phone: (818) 225-9114
4. My darling father was in New York again this past weekend. He just impresses me with his ease when it comes to “going with the flow.” You can take the man out of the city, buy you can’t take the city out of the man. Seriously – for someone who’s been suburbia-bound for 35+ years, his “city-ness” turns on and he becomes “one of them.” I love hearing his excitement at the people, the stories of the folks he’s spoken to on the busses and trains and his all around take on “the” city in our country. I wish he could be in that environment all of the time. It’s SO him and in our blood. My sister took a bunch of pictures of him at the hot dog stands as this seemed to be the place to be. Lots of talk of sports and politics, two subjects my dad loves to talk about.
5. I heard gunshots in the wee hours of the morning the other night. Seriously – and then heard police / squad cars followed by ghetto birds. It was about 3 am and I thought I might be going crazy. Not so. The following morning we got a call asking if we knew why the freeway closest to us was closed down and / or why the SWAT team was out. Turns out some dude got mad at his girlfriend and starting shooting at her. Nice. And it turns out it was much further away than expected so either it is SO quiet that I heard it or SO loud where it happened that I heard it. Either way, they finally caught the perp the next day but the whole thing is just freakish.
6, My new Sigg water bottle. Okay, I need a moment to explain and geek out. I hate drinking out of plastic and obviously, walking around with glass containers is out of the question. Sigg water bottles make my dreams come true. They are SOOO cute to look at (and come in 144 varieties, though they were on Oprah and are getting scarce) and can be found at your local Whole Foods (though again, it took three different WF to find them and the variety was down to 4). But they are good for the environment, have a really cool screw top and keep your water cool, not cold (good for someone like me who only likes water room temperature). They are also mostly break resistant, easy to clean and the taste is SO much better than anything else on the market. Some people might find $22 a lot for a water bottle, but I find it worth every penny. You can read about them here:
Monday, April 28, 2008
Oh Mundane Monday...
Saturday we duded up and headed to Chateau Marmont for din-din. Really. I can’t even joke. It is just as amazing as I’d always envisioned it, just as fabulous, glamorous, etc. I mean, yes, you can go to drinks at Bar Marmont, but sitting in the ultra-sheik garden with candles everywhere, the beautiful building in front of you and fabulous people surrounding you – it just doesn’t get better than that. Not to mention, you really forget you’re in the hectic world of Sunset Blvd.
The rooms inside proved itself to be every bit as spectacular as one would think and there was just a really cool, old vibe flying around in every area.
Our dinner was delicious as was our company. Damn me for never taking pics! My only regret was the 5 inch stilettos I donned for the night. For no reason except walking like I might fall, Mr. A needed to walk me to the bathroom like I was a hip-replacement patient. But sitting was just fine.
And I know this is just a “me” thing, but the bathroom was one of those bathrooms every girl only WISHES she could have. The lighting made me look soft and perfect.
Yesterday I started out great – ran to the store, did some errands, yadda yadda when suddenly I got nailed with the worst headache EVAR. Like the kind that makes your eyes tear just because it’s throbbing so bad.
I ended up in bed for 5 hours and even (ulp) watched, “Georgia Rule” which was the disaster of the movie with Lindsay Lohan (movie she got in BIG trouble for), Jane “lay off the plastic surgery” Fonda and Felicity Huffman.
I won't lie--this was not the best movie I've ever seen, but it was not the worst either. The movie was strangely amusing even though the plot was muddled, creepy/dark and the unexpected twist kept me watching. While I can’t give it a thumb up, I won’t give it the finger either. But this all could have been my cloud of pain so don’t trust my review.
Afterwards, we did a long awaited Easter dinner with Mr. A’s sister and her lovely family. And I am in love. Darling Baby Boy C cooed at me, loved on me, let me hold him all afternoon and was just darling. I have loved that kid since meeting him a wee 1 ½ hours after his birth. He is now 6 months old and a whole lot more boy than he was in September, being a preemie and all. We are bonded. Oh and hi, the food was so tasty (Yugoslavian cuisine) as was the company.
By the way, did I mention it is HOTTER than HADES outside?? And it's snowing in Chicago??
P.S. hi Kelly :)
Monday, April 21, 2008
Our Earth Day tribute
Let's just say that I once had a cute balcony covered in flowers and months later, my one lone survivor was Loni, my pretty planted bush plant who now has found a new home in the ground in our backyard, and who started to sprout the most beautiful purple flowers.
Loni has been with me for years. In the beginning he was the most majestic looking plant but as time would have it, he would die and come back, and die and come back again. This time, he has a new permanent home. He is surrounded by Herculean-like plants that I believe will give him the strength to keep going. I have also made a vow on this pre-Earth day weekend to give him my time and extra care. Hopefully, this will be a good spot for him.
I also replanted some beautiful, boppy looking gerber daisies that Bunnie gave me, who started out looking they were doing the death dance from Dance Interpretation 101and now are sitting boldy in their pot.
Mostly, me and Mr. A decided that since we both love herbs, tomatoes and the like, it would be a good time to test our farming skills along with some catnip for our furry child…stay tuned

Friday, April 11, 2008
Great quote!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
What will become of them?
I was driving in this morning and listening to Robin Quivers and Howard Stern. They were discussing the news, specifically the 401 (as of this morning) young teenage mothers to baby aged kids that were found on the polygamist compound in Texas.
Upon arriving to work I kept reading. It’s not just horrifying on a moral level, but looking at the pictures of some of the residents of this compound in their 1800’s-era pioneer dresses with hair down to their feet – I just start to wonder – what will become of them?
Living in their isolated world that seemingly believes that everything else but there is full of evil, how will those 400 women and children blend into a society that is certainly laced with evil, but also progressive ways of thinking as well as living?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Change will do you good….
I am not sure if it has anything to do with some really interesting books I have been reading lately or the fact that life has been serving me some really interesting moments and opportunities as of late, but man – I feel touched, focused and strangely ethereal by this really cool energy.
Many people I know have been noticing – some things have started; some things have ended (for the better in the long run) and some things are slowly being ignited but mostly, the good euphoric vibe is just creating a good solid change. And whether things are in a state of disarray right this minute, as always, when the chips fall as they may, I think we are all in for some wonderful surprises.
I forgot one other BIGGIE:
The Vernal Equinox is a time of balance. These are the days we welcome the light and plant new seeds towards the magical things we want to manifest in the future. According to some legends this time also reflects upon the past and atoning for the mis-deeds of our previous year. Letting go of the things no longer useful or productive to our happiness.
Remember this time is all about:
letting go
responsibility for actions
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
I really need to start taking pictures –
Sunday we had an event at the Serbian Church – St. Sava. I am not quite clear of the traditions, but I do know it was to honor Mr. A’s Aunt that died a year ago. While I did not understand what was being said, it didn’t really matter -- it was all very beautiful, including the choir that sounded like angels and on its own, the church was just gorgeous.
We did the church luncheon, mingled with family and headed home when I found out we had dinner plans with Mr. A’s brother-in-law’s parents.
They don’t live far from us, but for some reason, everyone thought I’d been to this house before. WRONG. And this is where I wish I’d had a camera –
This house – how can I explain it?? Just amazing. Mr. A’s little nephew took me on his own 2 ½ year old version tour of the house which was very entertaining, but I could not help but stare with questions and mouth a gape at some of the treasures…
Bro-in-law’s father is from India and much of this home was shipped from there. The dining room we were sitting in was sooo cool and cozy. The table was thick and heavy and all of it covered in fine china, all the forks and place settings and beautiful crystal wine goblets and water glasses. Even the little guy had his own little silver cup and wine goblet.
On one end of the dining area was a beautiful cherry wood hutch, all hand-made by the men of the family. On the other wall was this magnificent silver door that was from an actual palace in New Delhi. Father Bear had wanted to use this door as their front door but it was not to regulation, so they used it as a wall in this room and my gosh – I was just in awe.
Dinner was amazing. Everything we ate melted in my mouth and all of the wines we had were unbelievable.
Then there was the photography. I could not help but look around the house and the photography that looked like it’d been done by computer just because it all looked so surreal, specifically one of the Golden Gate bridge at night with a full moon overlooking the city of San Francisco. I later found out that Papa Bear had driven his vehicle to the top of a mountain and ‘waited’ for this particular shot – in 1950!!!! I can’t explain how unreal it looked, but hearing the story behind it made it even more superior.
And that’s how this night was – full of stories old and new -- sharing of the adventures of this family before they had children and now, with all of the grown children and their kids.
It was all very special and a perfect way to wrap up with the weekend.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Forgot to mention...
Ava Gardner does a great job as Maria, an earthy innocent with a really good story to back up her character and her characters quirks.. And as usual, Humphrey Bogart plays Harry Dawes with a worldliness yet sweetness that plays so well with Maria’s vulnerability. Their relationship is so well done and interesting without ever crossing the line.
I recommend this – it’s sad at times and again, you will really laugh at some of the smart and great lines the actors both had. And hell – Ava, as always, is just breathtaking as are her clothes. I really need a diet after watching that!
little ole update
Saturday: great massage day. Was feeling so Zen and between the yoga and a few other things, I felt good -- plus the weather when I looked out the window was gray, so I didn’t feel like I was missing a thing…
Saturday night, me and Mr. A went to dinner at this fun Mexican restaurant. Actually, it was just “okay” but the company was great, nonetheless.
Today we did our yearly hike for Kathy’s birthday. We met at the top of Topanga and hiked for a whopping three hours! Our group was pretty much the same as last year which was great and fun -- and fortunately, the weather was cooler so unlike last year, we weren’t stinky and hot the whole time.
It was ridiculously beautiful and clear and at times I wanted to chime out tunes from “the Sound of Music” and this would have been the right group to do that in, too!
Afterwards, we went to the Reel Inn in Malibu. My meal was meh, but again, company was great.
On a sad note, I found out my Aunt Flo died Friday night. My shock comes from the fact I truly thought she would live forever – so full of energy, opinions and surrounded by so many people that loved her – and she definitely wore the pants in her family with my Uncle of 57 years and their six daughters. But right now, I feel for her family that is left to cope – love to you all at this very difficult time -- and much hope that Aunt Flo meets up with my Mom at some point…
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
After the eclipse...
You are the World
Completion, Good Reward.
The World is the final card of the Major Arcana, and as such represents saturnian energies, time, and completion.
The World card pictures a dancer in a Yoni (sometimes made of laurel leaves). The Yoni symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle. Everything is finally coming together, successfully and at last. You will get that Ph.D. you've been working for years to complete, graduate at long last, marry after a long engagement, or finish that huge project. This card is not for little ends, but for big ones, important ones, ones that come with well earned cheers and acknowledgements. Your hard work, knowledge, wisdom, patience, etc, will absolutely pay-off; you've done everything right.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Good decisions...
This weekend was quiet, but really nice. Lots of resting...
Friday we helped Little E celebrate her 18(2) birthday at the Great Greek in Sherman Oaks. Not only was the company perfect, but the ambience was perfect for celebrating. While I was on a major coughing jag for 95% of our time there, it didn’t stop me or our group from getting up and doing the night time Greek dance with the entire restaurant! Seriously. I would say in the packed restaurant, 60% of the people got up, joined arms and literally danced in a big group across the place! Totally fun and silly, though I felt bad for the person on my left as I know I must have made them nervous with the endless coughing. But it was still really fun and my first outing in days which made it extra nice.
Today was super fun! I met NT (Neighbor T) down in the ‘bu. We were supposed to meet at my favorite coffee shop but apparently, NO ONE sent me the memo that it closed down so as we were driving to meet at a lame old Starbucks, I thought we should change locales and go to the Malibu Inn.
What a good decision. The Malibu Inn is across the street from the Malibu Pier and just a few feet from one of the best surfing areas. Besides great people watching on the drive in, the Malibu in is just a cluster of amazing stuff…
The inside is filled with old school movie actor photos…but not your typical ‘stars’ but people that actually used to eat there. Remember, this place has been around for over 50 years! The place has an old school, rustic vibe and I am sorry that it’s been more than a few years since I have been there.
While I was waiting for NT, an adorable older couple who were sitting a table away in the other “best seats in the house” started chatting with me. They told me they were high school sweethearts that lived just, as the man said, ‘480 feet apart” when the first met. He used to be a driver for Bette Davis! He also had a load of great memories of the Malibu Inn “back in the day…” Most were star-studded and the kind of stuff that you only hear about but I got first hand information!
NT arrived and we started chugging down coffees when the decision to get a Bloody Mary came into question. Another good decision! Our wonderful waiter told us “they were the best Bloody Mary’s in town,” and she wasn’t kidding. Not only were the Big Gulp size, they were definitely the best in town and very addicting.
Super fun was had by both of us and I highly recommend stopping in the next time you’re in the area! The place is filled with the friendliest people!
Malibu Inn Restaurant
22969 Pacific Coast Hwy
Malibu, CA 90265
(310) 456-6060
Can I mention that I totally feel this full moon -- it's actually tomorrow but I feel creepy weird!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Day Three - Cabin Fever
Today was different. I would normally revel in a day off from work but let's face it – I am sick of being sick. My head still hurts and I still have that that 75 year old – geriatric whiskey and ciggies cough, only I am sober with the exception of the oodles of illness libations I have been concocting.
My lone trip to the store this morning was simply for necessity and air. Another beautiful day missed and gone and while the sun was shining, I had the shivers.
On a happy note? I had bitchin' Indian food for lunch that was so spicy hot that I think it burned a hole into my fever. And since Mr. A now works for home, I had my feathers fanning and grapes fed to me all day. Kitty also got to sit outside since we were both here to keep our eyes on her.
Couch Potato TV update:
As of 4 AM this morning, whether it was too much Vitamin C too late at night or mixing too many cold surplus supplies, I watched a marathon of the show, "Jon and Kate plus 8" – the story of a family with two parents, a set of twins and a set of sextuplets. I ordinarily would find this stuff a little humdrum as I once was a nanny for a set of quadruplets, but eight kids are eight kids and let me tell you, a six hour feverish marathon of diapers, potties and feedings actually kept me in stitches. So darling. The parents are very likeable and the kids are really adorable.
I watched "American Gigolo" this afternoon. I'd seen it before but failed to realize that whomever did the music took the song "Call me" from Blondie and turned it into 25 different songs. That is, "Call me" is played throughout the entire movie in MUZAK -- sometimes with synthesizers, sometimes in porn chime and mostly, just annoying….wasn't the opening credits with the REAL song playing enough?? But hi, can we talk about a wee bit of full frontal from Mr Gere??
I think my couch potato days are about to come to an end though. As of this moment, I think I can comfortably say the storm is passing and to be fair, I am over it. Lovelies, stay healthy and TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I caught the plague
Illness. It’s what I get for bragging on Thursday that I “never get sick…” And so my punishment is a gnarly cough, a massive headache, the start of a cold and total sleeplessness that started a mere day later.
What had I been doing with my time? Funny you should ask. For about a year or so, I have had what I call “movie ADD” – that is, I cannot sit still long enough for anything at any moment. A half hour show is about my maximum.
But this crapola illness has changed that. My movie marathon started with “Alice, Sweet, Alice,” later re-named, “Communion” or vice-versa. It’s a 1970’s horror about a little evil girl named (guess…) Alice. Ended up being much better than expected and perfectly creepy. I even later found out that the mom in the movie is Jackie Gleason’s daughter and Jason Patric’s mom. Brooke Shields film debut, too (she’s only in it for 10 seconds, btw.)
I then watched, “Matrix” which I haven’t sit and watched in forever but then slept thru most of it.
This morning, after a try with no avail to get up and do something, I lay on the couch more to watch “Pretty Woman” that was on over and over again. Why does cable do this? I really only need to see this movie once every 10 years, if that. I mean, they completely destroyed “Shawshank Redemption” by playing it over and over.
I then found that “Sex and the City’s” first six epidodes were running on HBO On Demand. How happy did it make me, even if at this point I was running a temperature?
I then watched “Rumor Has it…” -- du-um. Had potential but lost it quickly. Jennifer Aniston vehicle and it’s just – meh.
Today I watched “Dick” – just darling. Kirsten Dunst and Michelle Williams (yes, Heath’s Michelle) were the stars.
Super Big Product Fun Show then became my addiction. This is between napping, mind you. I still feel like cack. SBPFS is this Asian network show, dubbed into English that is so funny and bizarre and at moments, a little creepy. They basically take a product to see what it is and if it’s for real but the products are FREAKY – like a Scorpion Bong. For real. It’s a bong tube wide enough for a Scorpion to go down…into your mouth. And they have several volunteers trying this.
That’s all of now. Btw. Did I mention my bitterness for missing out on my entire weekend and the Summer-like temperatures (it’s 80 here today and ahem, 1 degree in Chicago, btw). But as the Man says, it will be permanent Summer here before we know it. And this little rest has been sort of nice, minus the whooping cough and Scarlett Fever
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Da-da-da Ditch Day…
After a fun night of watching the primaries with the Daddies, I woke up and headed over to see my gurus. The gurus would be the acupuncturists at South Baylo University in Koreatown. Seriously kids, if you haven’t tried acupuncture, you are simply missing out on perhaps the healthiest way to keep your body balanced --on top of avoiding the taking of meds for everyday problems (colds, headaches, allergies, etc.)
I have written before about my time with the gurus. It’s been a while since I have been there but they were no less amazing. Zee back eez out of whack. Really. My lower back is a disaster and when I think of the physical beating I have been putting my body thru lately, I realized it was time.
As always, the girl that was the student and Dr. Lee, one of the lead gurus, spent a long time asking me about my back, looking at my tongue (which is a huge part of their study) and taking my heartbeat. Dr. Lee was pleased to know how much I consider acupuncture just as important as having a regular doctor. We then had a really interesting chat about Heath Ledger’s death and then I was put on the table. Dr. Lee noted that I was “chi deficient” and started the needles.
Less than an hour later, I was back out in the world, feeling amazing as I always do: If you ever are in the area, it is a school, but these people are already masters and trust me, they would not let a stupid dolt into this school. These people are very serious about what they do. And it’s $20. No shit. And while you can’t make an appointment, they do tend to get you in quickly.
South Baylo University
2727 West 6th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Toll Free: 888-64-BAYLO (888-642-2956)
Phone: (213) 738-0712
FAX: (213) 480-1332
I arrived back home to my darling Man who took me to lunch at a place I’d never been to:
Les Sister Soul Kitchen is hard not to fall in love with. If you blink, you’d miss it, but trust me, it is truly a little gem. The walls are covered with New Orleans blues musicians and the food is not only hearty and homemade, but it’s delicious. I couldn’t believe how packed this place got in a matter of minutes or how friendly the staff was. While the service was a little slow, I didn’t really care because everyone was smiling and happy.
My mistake was getting the BBQ. I just wasn’t in the mood for it and when I saw someone nearby eating a heap of jambalaya, I felt very jealous and mad I hadn’t ordered that instead. But it was still delicious AND – they had real tea and fresh squeezed lemonade for damn good Arnold Palmers (all unsweetened, to my liking)!
All in all, a total gem and worth checking out! And seriously, read the reviews – there are dozens of good ones!
Les Sisters Southern Kitchen
21818 Devonshire St
Chatsworth, CA 91311
(818) 998-0755
After all of this, I went for a walk. Today was one of those wonderful days that felt Spring-like. Well a huge chunk of my loved ones are battling total crap weather as we speak, I couldn’t help but breathe deeply at the glorious day and vivid views since the sky is clear and smog-free (for now.)
Hope your day rocked, too!
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
1) I am so tired I can barely stand it. For some reason, after falling asleep around 11:30, I woke up at 3 a.m. Wide-awake. I lay there for awhile and decided maybe getting up would make me realize how tired I am. Nope. Around 4:45 I fell back to sleep only to be woken up by Hungry Kitty, who was pouncing on me and shaking me with her thumbless little paws, screaming in Kitty Lingo "I am hungry Dammit..." This was 6 a.m. I am bleary.
2) There is a constant cackle about two feet from me today. Co-worker. Unusually awful today with words like, "enema," "gingko" and "Socrates" all coming out with the witchy cackles to follow.
3) I don't want to go to the gym but I have to go to the gym. I didn't go all weekend...was that a weekend??
4) Weekend there was very much late night owl vampire-like stuff happening followed by very strange late sleeping, which is so not me and threw off my wee little veek-hend break -- and way too busy.
And that's all I've got at 3:34. Peace. Zzzzzz....
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Panic! Worry! Over...
Having had eye surgery five years back, my fear increased. It wasn't because they were scary or evil but I was literally over anything coming near my eyeballs. Being stabbed seemed somehow better than having someone poke me in the eye. I also still have memories of the pain and the looking like "Stigmata" (yes Kelly.. I know you know)...
These past few days my left eye has been killing me. I wake up, it hurts. It burns and even itches. I thought a few eye drops would stop it but this morning I woke up with a Holy Sh** Sty and knew I could not avoid the inevitable (and now that my beloved regular doctor retired, I am f***ed.)
I have not seen N.E.D. (Nice Eye Doctor) for five years. Five years ago I hated him and he was just plain ole E.D. There were all sorts of terribly uncomfortable tests I had to endure before my surgery and this man was responsible, so I had literally gray-boxed his face in my mind and considered him the enemy.
But today was different. We laughed. We giggled. He told me my eyes looked fantastic.
Then it was gross -- he flipped my eyelid with a q-tip (for real) and suddenly it dawned on me he was the same Kook Doctor that tried to gorge my eyes out years ago. I saw flashes of the character Alex from "A Clockwork Orange" -- you remember the part when he has those awful eye clamps on -- and I got really shifty and uncomfortable. N.E.D. then said, "I am not going to hurt you..." and he didn't. Peace again.
Anyway. I did it. I survived a two hour appointment (he also gave me a real eye exam and it was fine). He told me I needed to change my make-up (woooooo - I "need" to buy new make-up - water soluble stuff) and that the eye drops (all five different brands I carry at all times) are all complete crap.
He also told me a new tip: baby shampoo. He said to remove under eye make-up, take a little baby shampoo, mix it with water (10% shampoo / 90% water) and dip the q-tip in, swish it around and run it under the eye to remove any debris. All that AND a beauty tip. He's back on my list of good people AND -- I don't have to see him again for a year!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Dawning of Scorpio

Melissa and I Missing An Angel...

Blowing glitter and moondust into your soul...


"look eento our eyez" Possessed! And can we just all agree that Mz. Kelly Kelly looks like a reincarnation of a flaming hot old-school screen star? Maybe Ms. Harlow?
Monday, January 21, 2008

Isn't this just breathtaking? I found this on a whim and later found out it was taken in the early 1940's. Can you imagine?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Give a hoot ---
I started writing down your license plate number but was not sure who to call. I thought of following you home just to see if you treat your own house with such utter disdain. I even thought of driving up to your window to yell obscenities, but in this day and age, you never know what that could lead to.
What do I know of you? Obviously, you really love Burger King or you don’t, which is why you decided to whip a large bag of it out your window onto the street . I know you really like your Monster Truck as the gleam of the fresh wash beamed into my eyes as I watched you contaminate the street with your garbage. And you like your vehicle enough to not leave your own trash inside so instead, you leave it to Mother Nature.
Am I taking this out on just you? No. Friday as I drove down Sunset, I watched a person fling Starbucks out of their Mercedes. God forbid you dirty the Mercedes because your latte with the twist had too much foam. The Earth is a much better place to throw your trash…
Not so. I care. And I wish there was a way to make citizens arrests for fucktards that decide that throwing the remnants of their ashtray out the window was somehow a good thing. I wish I could fine people in parks for leaving all of their weekend nosh leftovers to raccoons and the very over-worked and underpaid park workers who have to clean that shit up. Don’t even get me started on the sewers and the fact they drain into our oceans and lakes causing more…ugh, nevermind.
Mostly, I just wish everyone would take a moment to put a bag in their car if they eat or drink in it and dispose of it as nature intended and NOT leave it as the eyesore and contamination it becomes.
Christ people, it’s 2008. There are more than enough warnings that we keep making HUGE mistakes for our environment and all…can you just put your damn garbage in the trash as it belongs? Or compost!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Big wheels keep on turnin’….
Friday we made the most amazing Margherita pizza you have EVER had. I cheated and bought a pre-made crust from Whole Foods (the crust was perfect, btw) and had fresh basil, fresh mozzarella and the most beautiful tomatoes you have ever seen. The wine I bought at Whole Foods was equally awesome so we ate, drank and chilled.
Saturday morning we met Bunnie and Derek for breakfast at Cici’s in Tarzana. Have you ever had breakfast sexonaplate? The pankcakes at this place are so enormous you that you just assume you couldn’t dare eat a lot…I did. I damn well nearly ate my weight in, get this, chocolate-macadamia nut-whipped cream with fresh strawberries pancakes. O.M.G. Bunnie had the unbelievable tiramisu pancakes that were dripping with marsacone, whipped cream and all the fixings Derek had Monkey Business that were so luscious to stare at – and this was even what we really “ordered” to eat. It was our “side”…. And every bite is so decadent it almost makes you feel – naughty.
We lazed about a lot of the day, running mindless errands and then went to Jason and Melissa’s for dinner. Upon arriving twice (their darling son, Mr. J insisted that he open the door for us since when we first arrived, he was on the potty) we walked into a mass of aromas. Melissa can cook up a storm and is equally fun to watch. She is really like her own cooking show. My big job was helping to peel crawfish. She was making Etouffee (that was to DIE for), the tasty French bread and the and let me tell you, between that, the wine and the conversations, it was a perfect night.
We arrived home and shortly thereafter when to bed. Of course I woke up wide-awake at 3 AM and the ONLY thing on was Beverly Hills 902100. .. and it was on again at 4 and the 5. I watched curiously -- could this be the same show that I once coveted and could not leave the house for?? It’s corny, but I will forever love the infamous Brenda line, “ I hate you both. Never talk to me again!" As I dozed off, I received a work call at 6 am about a missed flight – sigh.
The car is finally fixed though. Four new tires . Peanut the car and I am back in business!
Equally decadent Margherita pizza was made tonight for Mr. A, only this time I bought gooey dough from Trader Joes. While I loved the Whole Foods crust, the Trader Joes was equally good, was fun to prepare (you have to roll it with a rolling pin, but you feel like you are contributing more!) and hi…the price? The Whole Foods crust was almost $6, while Trader Joes was a mere 99 cents…GOOD BUY. Not to mention, you can make a bevy of things with this very tasty dough.
Final thought:
Can I comfortably admit that I miss the Red carpet for the Golden Globes like an old friend? I love it. I miss it. Call me what you will but nothing gives me pleasure more than amazing gowns and even frightening ones. Please Writers Strike – be over soon. Give us back our shows and our red carpet and rid us of the dreadful, filler reality shows.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Give me some skin...
Skin care is more than just looking young…its prevention to keep our skin healthy. Our skin is our protection, our shield. After all, it’s the ONLY skin you have so be good to it.
Bottom line – the condition of your skin comes from genes but mostly is a reflection of what is happening inside your body so if you do unhealthy things – BAM, they will live and be free on your face.
When I first moved to L.A., my face started to look like a diaper rash. It was bumpy, creepy and I finally consulted a dermatologist (who is still in my life…). It was there I learned that besides the smoggy air that was a part of my skin reactions, I was stressed out. Stress goes right to your face, so my friends ….stay chill.
Beyond just stress, our everyday actions always have consequences whether it’s waking up with a bad hangover or years later, receiving a clump of wrinkles as your reward for being a party maven. What we do when we're younger plays a role in how well we age. Nothing will stop aging but we can keep it at arms length by taking care of what we have.
I get regular peels. I call them “chemical” peels but they are actually acid peels which are fruit based. BE CAREFUL with peels, people. Any peel is “chemical”. Only get them from an actual dermatologist’s office. Many skin care specialists will offer peels, but often times they are overly harsh and / or abrasive and can cause burns and even scarring. The idea of a peel is to remove the dead top layer of skin which in turn improves skin texture, slowly removes scars, fine wrinkles and other skin blemishes. Less is more. The peel lasts less than a week and then your skin looks shiny and new J
But beyond the peel, everyday should be a good skin day. Since we are all different, it’s important to test different products and see what works. Is your skin oily? Is it acne prone? Is it sensitive? I highly recommend going to a dermatologist. If you don’t have good insurance or are too shy, I also recommend Whole Foods for beginners because their products tend to be effective, lovely, but much milder.
Another good thing to do is to get samples and try different products: what works for one person may not work for another. Everybody has different skin and everyone reacts differently to products. Having sensitive skin / high histamines like I do, I need to be way careful with what I put on my face or I end up looking like a Puffer fish!
Products I use / love:
o I love Chanel products but let’s face it…they are expensive, but I will say, they are luscious and make you feel privileged … tee hee.
o I use Epicuren moisturizer every morning and night. A little dab will do you. You can also use it under your eyes, which I love because it forces you to not need two face products. It’s light, it smells oh-so fresh and it lasts about 2 months if you use it daily.
o In the morning, I always use an SPF 25 – 40 sunblock before applying my makeup.
o Get breakouts? Seriously, use Dial soap. For real. Try it.
o Every evening I use Epicuren herbal face wash and follow with a swab of Witch Hazel. And then a little moisturizer.
Treat yourself. Get a facial. The rule of thumb is to get a facial every season, more if you have problem skin. Facials are not only effing relaxing, but it is the most effective “cleaning” your skin can get.
o Drink water. It sounds like a myth, but water is not only cleansing for your insides, but definitely plays a part on your outside. Think of how dank you feel if your are overheated with no water: that is how your skin feels. Hydrate! If you don’t love drinking water or find it annoying, a good trick is either to use a straw (which I do) or make a nice water stew. Take a pitcher of water and in it put cucumbers, oranges, lemons (thinly sliced, kids) and let the fruits / veggies settle in the water. It creates a very nice, crisp flavor (all of the spa’s are doing it, you can to!!)
o I love a good mask. I love a good old fashioned mud mask (which you can find at the local drugstore). Lush has a few good masks as does Epicuren, but I find they are VERY strong, so use them sparingly. A mask is good to clean up and tighten your skin, but like everything, use in moderation.
o A good homemade mask can be as close as your fridge! Got eggs? A full raw egg is perfect for normal skin, egg whites good for oily and yolks good for dry. Put egg on your face and let it dry. Remove with wet, warm washcloth. Niiice.
Products rock, but don’t use too much. A little goes a long way. Except sunblock:
STAY OUT OF THE SUN or at least be smart. A little sun goes a long way. SUN BLOCK yourselves. It’s NOT cute to get sunburned anymore. Being bright red should only be for blushing cuz you’re so darn cute. Beyond adding years to your skin, our atmosphere is too messed up to protect you and skin cancer SUCKS.
(Thanks for the idea, Jillie...!!!)
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Great quote I read today
- Lao-Tzu
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Alright already...
Okay ... I just got up and walked away and she followed me! And I am back here writing and guess who is next to me??
Bunnie has spoke on this behavior with her big brown dog Rufus, but she is pregs. Now Rachel has recently spoke of her cat, Phoebe, doing the exact same annoying thing. And ahem, Rachel is preggie, too!!!
Now Kitty...only I am not with child, just a furry one. I think Kitty read their blogs and took notes.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Annoyance and joy
If any techie nerds know how to fix this, feel free to give me your two cents!
Otherwise, today was a great day. While I indeed had to be up extra early, the day was filled with interesting moments, new and more interesting people and traffic wasn’t so bad on my way home. I also e-mailed with a few darling friends and just felt good and shiny all day!
Want to see something adorable?? I just can’t get over how amazing this story is…I hope no moronic people break the peace.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
We finally saw the movie, “Waitress” last night. I highly recommend it.
Keri Russell is adorable, but plays her character as she is – tough, strong, and very torn about many aspects of her life. Her cohorts, played by the always funny Cheryl Hines and the late Adrienne Shelley (who wrote and directed this movie) make the whole piece funny, sweet and very sad at the right times. And who knew Andy Griffith would not just make an appearance, but have real heart in the movie? The whole cast is amazing (I can't discuss my darling Jeremy Sisto or his character ...see it yourself). There are so many interesting moments and some really great lines. The hardest part was I felt like I was holding my breath thru the entire movie and was finally able to breathe again after the ending. I won’t give anything away. SEE it. It’s not slick…it’s quirky, smart, funny but sad all in one.
Sadly, Adrienne Shelley did not live to see the opening of her mini masterpiece (if you don’t know what happened to her <<
Btw, did you know if you take any random cake mix and mix it with a can of any random soda, you can actually bake a cake?
I thought is sounded odd, but I took a white cake mix that was lying around and took one of Mr. A’s diet Cokes (blech, I don’t drink soda) and added two egg whites for tighter consistency. I threw the batter into muffin tins on 350 for a half hour and voila, we have pretty darn tasty cupcakes. No kidding. I made to different frostings (a fattening and a low-fat since I am sporting a Cartman-like body these days) and dayam, they are SOOO good. Try it. Easy, breezy white-trash baking Actually, the siet soda thing is all over the Internet for diabetic / low-fat baking websites.
Suffering from the Sunday blues – tomorrow is going to be an early and long day. Not so fun.
Enjoy your day!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Happy Endings...and two posts in ONE day??
I just got done watching the last four on On Demand. Now that I am a sputtering, swollen mess from crying, I just had to take a moment to be grateful for the best friends and best sanity I have in my life. Love you all!
Leaving well enough alone…
A month ago, I cut my hair, something I do often when I am bored. Two weeks later (and ago) I thought I should get a professional cut to “fix” it. Nothing was wrong but now…BAH.
I need to learn to just leave well enough along. I will be wearing my hair in a bun for at least a month or two.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
maintenance for the mavens
1. Bumble and Bumble hair products. They not only make your hair bouncy and shiny, but they are also conditioning at the same time. While I don't have the $$$ for all of the products, my favorite is the Styling crème. While it's around $25 for a bottle, it will last you forever. The trick is (and this goes for any product), less is more. Always start small. This creme is good for any type of hair but seems to work best with thicker hair (sorry, it gets a little gluey in the wrong head of hair) but otherwise, for waves, straight,'s lovely. You can do all sorts of heat inspired looks (hot rollers, irons, etc.) and it conditions your hair to a point of keeping it safe from the hotness…that hotness in the end is you!!
Their surf spray rocks but here’s a tip: if you mix 1 3/4 teaspoons of sea salt (or regular salt) with one cup of water in a spray bottle, you can get the same results. If you like you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil such as lavender to get not only conditioning, but you’ll smell just dandy. Make sure you SHAKE well each time you use it. Use it on damp hair and either air dry or scrunch under a hairdryer. Excellent and sexy.
2. Favorite bikini / Brazilian waxer in L.A.
Get WAXED!! I realize I am bouncing around here, but this is a MUST. After months of terror getting my privates ripped, torn, burned and shredded, I thought I had found a utopia. This place had a wax that was different and I "thought" the waxing was, too. But afterwards, I suffered with outgrow problems I won't get too graphic with. Then the gates of Heaven opened and I found her at Billion Dollar Brows. I only got my eyebrows done there once but it wasn’t because they were bad. Nope. I don't get my brows done. Have you seen them? They are Marlene Dietrich-ed (mom ALWAYS said at some point they would never grow back...but I wanted to be a grunge rocker in the 90's!!) They are now thin as rails. But the day I did go, they giggled and cleaned up the two or three loose hairs, shaped them and filled them in so I had sexy diva eyebrows. And can I also say it’s relaxing? As if! Their chairs recline in the most comfortable way and your head is back in a perfect spot so they while they work and you close your eyes, all you do is here the light background music and the hum of the cars outside the door. It also is fast and does not hurt!!!
Billion Dollar Brows rocks for regular eyebrow care but back to the wax. Marina is her name and waxing is her game. She is the cutest, tiniest woman you have ever seen and makes you feel extremely comfortable, which is plus since she is touching all of those spots that otherwise might make you blush. She also tells the wildest tales about her life, other clients and in return, you get a very fast, pain-free wax. Also, the aftermath weeks later are unbelievable. One word of caution: she has a mirror in that odd place that when you happen to crane your neck, you are suddenly face to face with your sassy spot. While SATC taught us it's good to look at it and love your sass, seeing it at angles with all of the other parts of your body tends to make you want a Xanax.
All of that aside, I give it a high kick in short shorts!
3. Old standbys. I did listen to my mom when she told me to always keep a jar of Vaseline around It took me years to do this since I was still recovering from the time I took an entire jar and smeared it all over myself because I liked how shiny I looked…but she was right. Vaseline is good for burns, but even more, its great for dry skin. Right now my hands are like how I picture Yoda’s claws – dry, flaky and sometimes they hurt. I have been slapping some ‘line on them before bed and don my little cotton gloves and voila, soft and pretty hands are what you get the next morning. Works for feet, too!
Witch hazel. While you can use it for a variety of things: sores, bruising, anything swollen, I like to use it as an astringent. It’s mild, natural and does not strip your skin like many more popular products. Not to mention, a jug of it is CHEAP.
Indulge my darlings…and wear sunblock!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
I survived!
K and I did our usual run into Beverly Hills. We are so lucky to be so close to such good walking adventures. Beyond just the great shopping (mostly the best apothecary EVER and Whole Foods) the people watching never fails us. We had seen some of ODDEST sites in our daily walks and they have nothing to do with star sightings or the like.
One day we were walking into one of the very lush neighborhoods and found a very large box of empty condoms lying on a lawn . A few steps further there were condoms littered in a strange and orderly fashion, every five feet for about a block. At the end of the block was a scrap of paper that looked like someone had taken some blocking notes for a script, ripped a chunk of the paper off and dropped it on the ground. It said something like ".. and Fefe broke it off with him like a hamhock in stew..." We were dumbfounded.
Anyway. Day 1 was okay. still have two flat tires and am quite sure there is an angry elf somewhere that is taking some joy in poking my wheels.
Well. As they say in the homeland, Lahko noch (that means good night)
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
I got me da' blues...
In all truthfulness, my time off ROCKED!!! My first few days my darling dad (pictured below) was in visiting. He has had a helluva year...while some of it was difficult, his spirits picked up after he'd spent Thanksgiving in New York with my sister and then of course, his Xmas with Mr. A and I. And we had a fun schedule...nothing. We had nowhere to be, no pressure, except of course to do our drive to Nevada, which was fun.
But in between, it was just nice to hang out. I would try to wake up before him to make coffee and once dad was up, I would make him his 78-year old man's breakfast --bran flakes and prune juice. Cringing aside, it was interesting to see that we are both morning people (I am a night person, too so ... what does that make me? A vampire?) and both enjoy the morning peace and quiet.
But it was never really quiet. My Papa, a normally quiet man, talked about the little things and the big things. Moments, my dad's childhood as a "dirt poor" kid who still always felt like "George bailey" and much more.
At night, Mr. A and I would play card games and have old school Xmas music in the background. Papa Z. would sit with us and not just play "name that singer" but always had a very profound story about each musician.
Nevada was so amazingly fun and Mr. A's parents were warm and welcoming, not to mention Mr. A's mother, the unbelievable cook she is, made my Papa Z. all of his favorite old school Yugoslavian cuisine. My Papa is NOT a man who normally stays over at other people's homes, but he couldn't help but be comfortable around all of the excitement and chatter that takes place over there.
When we returned to L.A., Mr. A got sick just in time for all of our fun Xmas parties we had planned to attend and Papa had aching feet from the crazy amounts of walking we did (sorry Dad :) so I did a few parties and the men sat around and bantered for hours about sports, cowboy movies, war movies, etc.
Papa Z. spent Xmas day with my brother and returned to us at night. The next day, after our super fun lunch at Marix in the Palisades (and some AWESOME star-sightings) we said our goodbyes and for the first time, I think my dad wanted to stay longer!
After he left, I fell into this crazy reorganizing / cleaning mode. Since these moments rarely ever happen to me, I jumped on it and accomplished SO much.
Mr. A was sick for NYE, so we hung at home and like the old farts we are not, fell asleep by 11.
And can I tell you that my person is NOT ready to return to work? I walked out to my car this morning to find not one, but TWO flat tires! What in tarnation? Anyway, I get to drive Mr. A's luxury car while he brings my car in for some nursing.
Anyway. That's a few weeks in a nut shell. I never even touched on my little birthday celebration a few weeks back with my darling guest star / diabolical side-kick Kelly and her surprise visit! I am giving a lot away but that will be for another day since I plan on trying to post a little more.
Kisses, love and glittery things...