Sunday, March 02, 2008

little ole update

Friday – a whole lot of laid-back nothingness – not to mention I had to be up early for a massage gig.

Saturday: great massage day. Was feeling so Zen and between the yoga and a few other things, I felt good -- plus the weather when I looked out the window was gray, so I didn’t feel like I was missing a thing…

Saturday night, me and Mr. A went to dinner at this fun Mexican restaurant. Actually, it was just “okay” but the company was great, nonetheless.

Today we did our yearly hike for Kathy’s birthday. We met at the top of Topanga and hiked for a whopping three hours! Our group was pretty much the same as last year which was great and fun -- and fortunately, the weather was cooler so unlike last year, we weren’t stinky and hot the whole time.

It was ridiculously beautiful and clear and at times I wanted to chime out tunes from “the Sound of Music” and this would have been the right group to do that in, too!

Afterwards, we went to the Reel Inn in Malibu. My meal was meh, but again, company was great.

On a sad note, I found out my Aunt Flo died Friday night. My shock comes from the fact I truly thought she would live forever – so full of energy, opinions and surrounded by so many people that loved her – and she definitely wore the pants in her family with my Uncle of 57 years and their six daughters. But right now, I feel for her family that is left to cope – love to you all at this very difficult time -- and much hope that Aunt Flo meets up with my Mom at some point…

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