Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I didn't think I would care so much:

As my days start early, this morning I was leaving the house after a nice big cup of joe and my mind set for my drive.

Our street is very cute: lined with trees, cookie-cutter houses, occasional kids but mostly, a lot of birds, squirrels and other natural habitat.

I was assembling my drive music when I noticed a slew of squirrels playing tag and running into the middle of the street. As always, I waited until they all ran by and started to drive when my car started doing a "thump thump thump."

My first thought was a bad tire but of course, I then realized that one of the squirrels hadn't hustled enough and met my tires. I had turned the corner and looked over to see his little squirrel legs in the air, flailing and pining. I drove away and started crying immediately. Why wasn't I more careful? OMG, I killed something.

I called Mr. A and started to really sob into the phone. I told him to please call animal control and could barely speak. He said he would but would first walk over to check this guy out first.

Mr. A called a few minutes later and said, "Where did this happen??" I explained again (it was only a few houses down) and he assured me there was no squirrel.

I responded in tears, "Can you look for brain matter?" "Did a neighbor take him in??" The thought then crossed my mind that Mr. A put ME out of my misery and did something to the squirrel to make it quick. He assured me there was no squirrel, he had not played God and that there wasn't any body matter anywhere on the street.

With that said, I began to breathe again but am in fear this little guy is going to come back and get me. Poor little rat.

"A squirrel is just a rat in a cuter outfit"

Carrie Bradshaw

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