Monday, March 27, 2006

Paper cuts, files and boxes...oh my..

Egads. It's the Great American Moving Day here at work...and we are all chocked full of aches, pains, cuts and much swearing. I even was hit by a flying piece of glass from a broken jar...thank goodness for thick hair (and a thick head)...

My weekend was one of those glitzy, fun and unexpected crazy ones...with one of the best moments being that Kitty let me clip her nails.

I know. Crazy Cat Person Alert, right? But let me 'splain...

This was Kitty, circa 2004, just a mere 5 months after owning her (or does SHE own me??):

"...Kitty was QUITE a spirited young thang this weekend. I took her to get her nails cut. They were beginning to resemble meathooks. Last week, I flopped her over my shoulder as I do, and her little hooks went into my back, one by one, not on purpose. Felt like fishing hoooks. Not nice at all. She is not very keen on other people touching her, specifically if they are holding anything that might touch her for purposes of either doctoring or coifing. Kelly, myself, and Guadalupe (not her real name, to protect the innocent) had to hold her down to get just ONE nail chopped. I should have taped the bizarre, nocturnal monster noises that were coming out of her for Halloween to scare the children. She was writhing much like the character Reagan in the "Exorcist." They had to put a little leather black hood on her head as it was starting to spin...*well, she was trying to bite the woman's hand off.... (Kitty looked like the "Gimp" from Pulp Fiction) After everything, the very shaken Petco worker was shaking her head and muttering what sounded like prayers, in Espanol. All this in a matter of three minutes!"

A few months back, a friend of mine helped me clip her nails...he held her by her scruff while I chopped. I couldn't do it. I was a mess. I was sure that Kitty was calling the authorities about what a bad cat mom I am. My friend INSISTED that this is the better way, that taking Kitty to a "professional" is much worse for her. But what about me, right??

This weekend, Kitty was sound asleep. I steathily walked to her and started talking about how much we HATE Petco AND the vet, and how much nicer it would be if I could just do the cutting...

I picked up one of the furry, Ugglike paws and talked her through it. While I cut, she tried to nip at me once and then looked at me like, "(Sigh)..okay. Fine Mom. Just do it." And it took all of a mere minute and we were done.

So that's that.

To sum up the weekend:

too much Snake Pit on Friday;
A morning of coffee and "Hair";
Noshing and yumming at Jinky's on Saturday --if you have NOT frequented one of the Jinky's (there are three)...YOU MUST -- followed by an amazing Fryman Hike with Bunnie, twice;
Nail expedition in between;
A fun night with J-Boonesbrat;
Much couching on Sunday, one of the best lounging days in eons;
And MORE Snake Pit on Sunday, where I also won a music trivia bet (GLOATING) ... Sorry, V, I couldn't resist:)

Happy Monday Folks and Flakes!

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