Thursday, March 02, 2006

Just a little Idol chit-chat...

So, the past two nights I tried hard NOT to watch, but I just couldn't help myself.

Tuesday night, the girls sang and once again, tripped, fell and picked BAD songs. For instance, nameless contestant girl who tortured us last week with the HORRIFIC song that was specifically written for Idol, came back with equal amounts of sadisticness by choosing a Mariah Carey song. WTF??? Mariah is SO on right now and while I might fling my nose in the air at her lack-thereof of fashion, the girl has pipes and Idol girl failed MISERABLY. Two good ones? Ayla, who was sincerely invisible to me the week before and once again, Mandisa, who closed the show with the same wonderful energy as last week.

Now for the boys of Wednesday night. Sigh. The boys this year are light years better than the girls, but again, SONG CHOICE. My favorites were gray-haired guy (taylor hicks) who did not pick the best song, but still has more soul than a closet of shoes and the closer, the hot, bald BABE who sang the SH** out his song, which I with much embarrassment, don't know the name of. But you see?? I don't even know the name of the tune, but still...his showmanship blew everyone out of the water. All in all, the boys were SO much better. A few clinkers, a few blah performances but all in all, good stuff.

That's all!

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