Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Enough is enough...

This is not going to be about the fact our President has made dire mistakes in judgment, in decisions, in speaking and in general. I am not going to discuss the fact that over and over again, our President thinks he is God and makes God-like decisions, as if he is speaking in tongue from a place, far-far away. I am NOT going to speak of the fact that his term in office has made him SO unpopular or that his "fan" ratings have markedly sunk like the Titanic, slow and cold.

I am hardly one to spout ANY political epitaphs of any kind, but really...could our President PLEASE step off and let someone else take over?? Watching him speak and answer questions like a child about to pee himself has just gotten to be more than I can bear. Watching press conferences, State of the Union addressess or the like have just started to make me cringe and as a slightly vain woman, I just can't afford the furrows of disbelief that show their pinchy selves on my face when I hear some of the doofus-like remarks or stammers that occur when our President is faced with questions...ANY questions.

There are definitely threats that we face daily as American citizens...our President or lack thereof, should not be a part of it.

While this is meant to funny, its a little mortifying:


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