Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Phat Tuesday

It's one of those days.

My head hurts.

Its hotter than Hades outside.

Katrina really wreaked havoc on some beautiful places. The Red Cross is saying this is their largest relief effort EVAR. Its devastating to watch. What has been angering me are those folks that decided they were going to lag behind to "watch the water rise." What the samhill were they thinking?? Now these rescue workers have to risk their lives for these schmoes that DID NOT listen when they were told to evacuate. That just flips me out. Then there are those people that are using generators in their homes, which at any given moment, will explode due to the water and pressure. Great. Just what those places need...mini-explosions in a humid, buggy, sewage induced chaos. Icky. Sending good vibes to all of those folks AND kicking myself for never having gone there like I'd wanted.

Apparently, there are now pictures of Brad Pitt with Angelina's new kid, Zahara. Woo.

I did see "The Wedding Crashers" this past weekend. I can't decide what was funnier, that or the "The 40 year old Virgin." Wow. Where was Ben Stiller?? He wasn't in either...

Sigh. And with that, over and out.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I never got to see The Big Easy either and am bitter, bitter, bitter. Anne Rice, one of my all-time fave authors always made it seem like the coolest place EVAR. All those dumb reasons that came up for not going now seem really extra stupid and I kick myself. Which isn't easy to do. Unless you have long legs. And are double-jointed. Or something.