Friday, January 06, 2006

I gots me the jitters...

That would be the coffee jitters...

T, my darling office friend that sits just a kick under the desk away and I have been consuming lethal amounts of coffee all afternoon. What started out as a pleasant stroll together to the kitchen at around 9 a.m. has now brought us to 5-ish p.m...and after watching a few hours (alright..I am exaggerating) minutes of some REALLY bad Internet shows, we are now fizzling out. At our height of the coffee high, I was suddenly brought back to the movie, "Requiem for a Dream," minus the hard drugs, mood music and gut-wrenching end.

Btw. I watched a few minutes of "Dancing with the Stars" last night. I make fun of George Hamilton quite a bit for NO good reason, but last night, I fell in love with the senior-esque, over-tanned charmer. He is SOOO debonair and was smiling like a Cheshire cat the entire time, which immediately made me want to vote for him. He's got old-school swoon going on.

I missed everyone else.

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