Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Bitter Sweet...

Thank goodness. It's over. The cornucopia of crazy holiday fun is D-O-N-E for another year.

Truthfully, this was one of the best years, without a doubt. Lots of festivity, lots of joyous moments and really, time off that made me realize more and more how positively wonderful it would be to have a lot of self-made money to play with while living high on the hog. Sigh. It happens all the time, so maybe that should be on the "to do" list this year, right??

What seems to be the common theme EVERYWHERE is change. Whether this means a new do', a new look, a new way of thinking or putting a kibosh on something bad, there seems to be a rejuvenation happening to everyone, moreso than I have noticed in years...or am I just getting old??

As far as resolutions...rather than the usual, "lose 15 pounds, run a marathon, do this or that.." I am opting for a more practical, yet crafty approach...taking what is there and making it better.

Let's face it. We all want, but this past season made me really focus on what I have and peeps, I have A LOT. I am rich beyond my wildest dreams. My apartment is safe, cute and comfortable, I have peace of mind, a cat that now has CLEAN teeth (!!), MORE comfy stuff ("things") than most people could imagine and most importantly, I have some of the most fabulous people around me, whether here or far away...everything else that needs to happen is out there, it just needs to be tweaked, churned, coddled, tapped into...you get my point.

Anyway, Happy New Year and may you find what you need...

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