Monday, September 12, 2005

All the leaves are brown…and the sky is gray

Okay…that's a wee bit of an exaggeration. Its still sunny and happy weather, but alas, Autumn is slowly creeping in and man, its pretty fantastic. Yes, its fairly sensational to live in a place where the sun is shining and its warm, but let's face it, the sun becomes the bane of existence to a degree and we ALL need downtime. This weekend marked the first "cooler" temps we have seen in months. And to me overcast, cooler weather means…LAZY.

With the slow change of season approaching, all of the variables change as well…its getting dark early (much to my chagrin), the nights and mornings are amazingly cooler AND…its time to start considering that Halloween (boo), Thanksgiving (yum) and Christmas (egads and $$$$) are all right around the corner. Bah!!!


Please give to Katrina Relief Funds!!!

P.P.S. Power is restored in Los Angeles!

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