Friday, November 18, 2005

…and Jupiter, aligns with Mars…

It started last week.

A package arrived from Annie, chock full of fun, extravagant doo-dads.

A few cards came in the mail. Mom and Pop, my bro and co., a few friends.

Yesterday, K, T and I had our nails done, their treat. During the treat, a phone call came…flowers were not being delivered to my suite until I was actually present. Yesterday afternoon, a beautiful bouquet arrived from Robbie!

Last night, Little D and I waxed men and all sorts of other mysteries while indulging in some food and some Lime Fizzy water.

As the midnight hour approached, it happened.

I turned into a pumpkin!

Not really.

I turned 33.

Oddly enough, I have not weakened at the thought of this age. I have been awaiting this birthday with gleeful excitement since I was 27. Why? Not sure. I love odd numbers, but then again, I love odd people! Three is one of my favorite numbers, so why not a double whammy it by putting two of them next to each other, riiight??

Or maybe I am just softening the blow.

At any rate, today has been just as wonderful as the past week (with the exception of my darling Robbie and Alex flying the coop for D.C. - boo). An enlightening week, at best, I enjoyed three nights of the MOST incredible and illuminating full moon and after that I have ever witnessed. Seriously, last night while it was no longer a FULL moon, it was extraordinary. I woke up bright and early to the chirps of my adorable Kelly, who so lovingly called me at 6:25 to make SURE she was the first…and the second person (she called five minutes after her first call) to wish me a happy b-day and to sing several versions of "happy birthday" in only the way that Kelly can. Then it was Annie. Then Robbie. Arriving at work there was a Coffee Bean 'nilla latte and a treat from A and J. More cards (an exceptionally CUTE one from my sis), a few more treats, several e-mails, two text messages, e-cards and phone calls. Some major rages with the boss and then Buddy called. I was taken to lunch from V and S. Tonight I have fun plans with Bunnie, which is automatically a perfect night!

Tomorrow I pack and then…I am outta here for a week. Making Thanksgiving dinner for the fam next week with Buddy and co. Lots of visiting to do, lots of heavy clothing to wear and lots of beer to drink.

Hope nothing here was misconstrued as bragging…I am just truly a lucky girl and as Thanksgiving approaches, my being thankful should be an everyday ritual and something I NEVER take for granted…(I don't)…

THANK YOU!!! I have the most awesome friends in the entire world and once again, my birthday has been wonderful!!!

Big hugs to everyone!!!


I share a birthday with Owen Wilson (meow) AND Mickey Mouse!! MM is looking awfully good for 77, eh??

1 comment:

Robb said...


I'm late.