Monday, October 17, 2005

Sugar Magnolia…

Holy Sugar-high, Batman.

Our office has turned into a carb-riddled, sugar-od'd, high octane fat, food fest.

We decided last week that since our bosses (main boss, specifically) never do anything out of the ordinary for us (especially on days like Assistant's Day, yearly bonuses or anything of the like), we would do something nice, since we are all good people. We all brought in goodies to commemorate their special day. And now we are all sick to our stomachs.

Whatever happened to the good ole, "9 to 5" rat poison vs. skinny sweet days??

p.s. Those bags hold MONSTER-size muffins...I am talking a muffin you can split into quarters. Mooooo.


Robb said...

Looks like there's an appendage sneaking into the bottom of the shot.

Does that make this a picture of "finger food?"

chi said...

That would be the top of pink-iced donut...