Tuesday, April 04, 2006

sticking it to the man...

At the risk of being "dooced", one might say I must speaketh in tongue. I am not good at being barked at by humans, nor am I good at taking direction from one who speaks in gibberish. I am less apt to do anything with my heart and soul for one who clearly does not own one or the other. It's hard for me to listen when there is a volume that could force my eyelashes to fall off, one by one. It's equally difficult for me to care when someone's main concern is themself and how they can make more $$$. I feel contempt when said person is not only using this barrage of unbearable behavior, NOT just with me, but with someone who is not even in the line of fire.


Anyway. My Idol predictions for last week were correct -- though I am hardly looking forward to the country version of this evening. What'a girl to do?? It's raining!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

That man is a freaking asshat.