Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ah, the humanity

Last week I escaped work really early with the idea that I would skip the usual mundane and tedious packing for the move and instead take some time to go for a hike. After getting on my workout gear, plugging in my MP3 player and running up the street and heading to Runyan Canyon, I reached into my pocket to feel both my drivers license and debit card, safe and secure. About 20 yards later, I only felt one. My drivers license had escaped.

In a fit of desperation and to avoid the endless DMV bs, I walked up and down the same route over 10 times, retracing every step and staring at the ground in a crazy rage. After 2 hours, I called it a night.

The following morning, I woke up and did the same walk twice (isn't insanity defined as doing the same act over and over??)

Anyway, I made the stupid DMV appt, but a friend suggested I wait a few days, "just in case."

My appt. was made for this morning. Imagine my surprise last night when I went thru my mail to find that some kind soul mailed me my MIA drivers license.

To whomever you are, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

P.S. Hi Kelly :)

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