Monday, December 05, 2005

Excuse my dust

Besides the fact I have been unbelievably ill since landing at LAX over a week ago, we are in the midst of moving-house at work. The bad part? Its a temporary move and they are transforming our gloriously large suite into small, sectioned-off, crate-like structures. Why should you care?? Well, really, my only claim to good fame at this job is the fact I have a SWEET little set-up all my own, in a BIG area that is mine...ALL mine ...mwah haw haw.

Our move takes us to floor 25, which I think will be a fun little transition as T and I will be sharing space AND there is a cool, strange stairway in the middle of suite. Then we will be forced a few months later to come back to our new, midget-sized digs. Hmph.

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